Wednesday 19 November 2014

what are computer game graphics

Unit 78- digital graphics for computer games
What are computer game graphics?
Computer game graphics are more than people think they are. Generally when someone speaks of computer game graphics we think of electronics, pixels, and how the game looks in game. However they include a lot more than people think, computer game graphics includes graphics such as printing media, such as game packaging, box covers, manuals and posters. Other than printed media computer game graphics can refer to concept art such as weapons, vehicles, and environment. HUD or head up display which tells the player important things such as health, is also part of computer game graphics The type of game such as 3D and 2D also can be included as computer game graphics, things such as 2D sprites or 3D isometric sprites.All these are included under the term of computer game graphics

Sunday 2 November 2014

Unit 1: procedure and documentation

Pre-production techniques for creative media industries

Unit 1: Procedure and Documentation.
-Jack Swift


Identifying the finance: available, is knowing your budget and how to manage your budget, during development the budget will need to be separated and managed throughout all areas of development form software to hardware, and things such as personnel and locations, costs of travelling to certain places. You will also need money for advertisement of your game, these can come in forms of posters which will cost but will not be too expensive, or a TV advert which will also cost money and will be more expensive.

Identifying personnel: needed is also important, certain people for certain jobs or specialists, will require payment for their work. The availability of these specialists may not always be around, and will be costly to hire. With standard personnel things have to be considered such as whether they will be able to arrive for work, if they cannot arrive at work some days then production will be jeopardised.

Resources: such as software and availability of things such as specialists, availability of places for research such, for example with a racing game the development team may want to research a certain race track however the track may not be available to research. As well as hiring locations out, things such as swords, guns , cars, or planes may be hired out depending on what your game includes, if you needed to hire out a certain car for your game you would have to see whether you would be able to afford the hiring fee as well as if it is available

Preparing a budget: is an important step that, knowing how much money you have to spend and preparing it by separating for different needs a budget will be needed for the software and hardware side of things. And a budget will be needed to pay personnel, having the budget prepared and knowing how the money will be distributed will prevent panics when there is not enough money for something. It is important to examine and maintain your budget as going over your budget will not only cost you or your company money but if the game is not successful then money would have been wasted as no profit was made.

Contact personnel: is need for when personnel do cannot or do not turn up for production, or if they quit production a back up is needed, however in a case of personnel quitting production you would be informed of their leave, and would have time to find a new person to fill in for them, however if a member of the production does not turn up due to illness or other matters, someone will be needed to fill in his role, this is a problem if someone important such as a production manager cannot come in As you may not be able to find someone to fill in his role.

Prepare schedule: almost all productions and projects have schedules for finishing/releases . the prepare schedule is important to know what parts of your production are doing well and if any have not, prepare schedules can work on how much development has been achieved in a certain time period, by knowing how well your project is doing in terms of development, will give you an idea of when the project will be finished, and have a good idea of when your project will be released.

Identifying the health and safety concerns: The safety of your employees is the most important thing during the entire production and is the first thing to be considered at the start of production. If the health or safety of your employees is at risk then the project will be halted, or in serious cases can shut down the project for a certain period of time to review the conditions of the workplace.

Indentifying legal aspects:  The project does have to abide by the law; this includes things such as copyright infringement, and other legal aspects. It is important for your employees to know all of the legal aspects of production as not to break them, as this could cause the entire project to be halted or even ended.

Other risks: It is important to have minimal risks as possible, this not only keep the project safe from being 
halted or stopped, but also keeps the employees safe and comfortable which will not affect their work, however employees may feel uncomfortable or unsafe their work may become poor due to them not wanting to work in a dangerous environment. Other risks in the work place that need to be known are things such as, wires, long screen hours is bad for the eye sight and regular breaks should be taken, having food and drinks near electrical equipment etc.

My procedure:  For my maze game I will have a weekly procedure of tasks and sub-assignments set by myself which I will aim to complete, The maze game I will be making has a deadline in December, This gives me just under two months complete the game, I will stage my game into certain sections, one for level design and character design, another section for sounds and music etc. The resources i will need will mostly be illustrator software and gamemaker which the entire game will be made on. There will be no cost to the resources I will use as all the software is provided free by the college, however if I were in a company I would have to set aside money for software for other computers for my team. I will not be researching places which cost nor will I be booking resources or places. I will not have any employed personnel during the making of my game, but may at times ask for assistance in software I am not used to. I will need to identify the health and safety risks so I know how to avoid them, I will need to identify the legal aspects as well such as copyright, I will have to check my characters and plot to make sure I am not copying other projects, I need to get owner’s permission of certain things such as music, however if I or someone else makes the music and soundtracks I do not need permission, or the owner of the music may choose to donate the music for free to the game. Financially I will not require any finance or budget as the equipment and software I will be using is either already owned or is provided for free by the college, in case something does need to be purchased it most likely will not be expensive and will not require a budget. I will not need contact personnel as i have no extra personnel other than myself on the project.


Production such as a script, storyboard, mood board, production schedule: having a script, storyboard. A production schedule is needed to keep the game stable, by following a schedule you can never go off track and can keep up with production, A script or storyboard is the heart of the game, this is a necessity for your game, as the game is built around a storyboard. A mood board is useful as it can sums up all of your ideas simply and shows in clearly, during production you can then use this mood board when going off track of what originally was thought up.

Budget: The budget is funding for the project which financially does not come from the developers but is either loaned, or received in a contract. If the budget is not handled well or the project goes over budget then the money will come from the head of development personally. The budget is used to start the project going.

Clearances: clearances are the legal sides of the development/production, these are things such as using someone’s music for your project they can give the song to you for free, or it will come at a charge. If the owner of a piece of work does not want it in your game or you cannot pay the charge to put it in your game, then the work legally is not allowed  in you r game, if it is still implemented in your game this is copyright infringement and is illegal.

Plans: Most projects have future plans for areas such as finance, designs and scripting. Plans are there for you to follow during the development so you can keep on track on relative to what you want the game to be, you could also add to your plans when looking back on them.

H&S assessment/ risk assessment: this is important to your employees, they must know all the risks and how to avoid them or what to do encase of an accident, for example if there is a fire then the employees need to know where to go such as fire escapes, exits and where to go after a fire.

Contingency plan: Contingency plans are simply a backup plan if things go wrong, things that can jeopardise the production can be file data corrupted or missing, or legal aspects which have halted production. The contingency plan can help by having a backup files in a secure place.